Saturday, May 30, 2009

Lets get transformed!!

The new tag line got added to my blog... "Lets get transformed". Half of my relative and more than 90% of my friends work in IT. However, how many of them or how many of us really work on developing something. We all work on either house-keeping systems they developed or performing the operational activities. I am not against it. I am not against process we follow. However, time is come to get transformed. If we really want to turn India a super-power, we need to have vision to get transformed from back-end operations providing country to the country capable of developing anything. We already have acheived half milestone by understanding systems and processes. Now we need to bring in vision and creativity in our work. Learn from their mistakes and donot repeat them. This can happen only with good leaders and we need it drastically.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Arey Man Mohana re Mohana

If you too think that it was due to Rahul Gandhi... Congress had a clean sweep then you have decided it without full thought.
If Congress has made it through then the major reasons were
1) Manmohan Singh's image as economist / Global Recession.
2) No other option from opposite side.
3) Sixth pay comission and Loan waiver to farmers.
4) Going ahead with Nuke deal even after opposition from Left.
If you consider voters as fools and unaware of situation, then let me remind you that you are in age of Information Technology. Every one listens to news and is aware of situation. There are good numbers of News channels who analyzes situation and explain it upto last point. Voters are aware that they need someone who is able to understand economy and boost it.
I agree to the fact that Rahul Gandhi is a poster boy for Congress, but gone are those ages when people used to vote only on speeches.
Congress won half of India by two things first was sixth pay comission and second was loan waiver. Rest were influenced with recession :)