Monday, February 2, 2009


No its not a movie review. Once you read it fully, you will come to know the relation of article with the title.
This Sunday was a fruitful day for me. After nearly two-to-three months, we had a small get together of our hostel junta at Deccan. Point of attention was the wide variety of discussions we held. Yes off course the favorite ones "marriages and relationships", “MBA preparation” and "office politics". Also there were wide varieties of topics from all around the world. However, point is that we end up discussing all these points every day-in and day-out, what was so special about these discussions this week? Actually I learnt a lot, and that too on “how to be professional” perspective. After a lot of analysis I understood that I was too immature, I had an immature understanding of things and that lead me to immature assumptions about myself and my surrounding. Also I understood that sometimes it is better to held discussions on your problem without fearing that he will get to know about my problems. Advantage is that you come to know the different angle of problem and different views. Then you yourself will find out a golden way out of it.
Second best part about this discussion was I got over my guilt consciousness. If you know me in and out, you will come to know that I am very guilty conscious. This consciousness came in between my work. Like when I ask someone to complete some work, and he does not do it, I do not even ask him why he did not completed it. Instead I go and complete it myself. Somehow I do not want to follow up or create ugly scene out of it. This is due to guilt consciousness that how will he feel? Is there a need to create a fuss about it? However, when I heard about the experiences of same situation handled in a different manner. I came out of that guilty consciousness after I learnt that things are handled in a much furious way on other side and I am not the one who is like dakku to my colleagues.
I guess that’s it.

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